Thursday, May 26, 2011

Reactions to an Unknown World.

A couple evenings ago, my youngest took part in her Pre-K Graduation ceremony. This event was attended by parents and grandparents and siblings, a like. The feeling of  excitement was in the air as the multitudes gathered in the cramped hall waiting to get a glimpse of their young star.

I arrived a little later than the rest of the tide and thusly had to take a seat in the back; the stage far from my view and furthermore blocked by heads and balloons and tall bodies holding larger than life cameras just waiting to get the best picture (as if the rest of us didn't want the same thing).

However, much to my surprise and joy, the door right behind me opened and I found myself having a front row seat to each small graduate as they made their way from the back of the room to the front and to their place in front of the stage.  As I watched each of them pass by me, I became keenly aware of something.... something that made me have one of those "bing" moments in my head.

What was unfolding right before my eyes was the very first reactions to an unknown world that  just moments before had been hidden by an unassuming brown door to those on the other side of it. It was like watching the bus being pulled out of sight and seeing the reactions of those whose lives had changed by having a TV reality show take over their home.  It was wonderful!

For the next several minutes, the room was statically-charged with the sounds of cameras at work and people cheering. However, not everyone was so happy to be greeted with this reaction. Some of those small graduates showed fear when entering, having to be coerced into leaving their quiet, outdoor calm and entering into a crowded room full of mostly strangers. And yet others chose to face it head on and walk in proudly, looking about to catch the eye of a familiar face. For some, it was an opportunity to showcase their sparkling personalities which only made the onlookers even more pleased.

It was that variety of personalities that thrilled me; experiencing each of them first-hand.  I look forward to watching some of these young stars shine and grow in the coming years and hope to share in more first-hand experiences.


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