Tuesday, March 1, 2011

When I grow up.....

Do you remember saying that phrase as a child, "when I grow up...."?  It was probably followed by "I want to be ________ ".  I can distinctly remember what it was I wanted to be as a child.  And I was reminded of it as a good friend began her vacation with a trans-Pacific flight today. It's probably a bygone era, but I wanted to grow up and be an airline stewardess, á la Pan Am or Continental. Yes, there are still flight attendants these days (not sure it's PC to call them "stewardess/steward"), but the days where airline travel evoked a certain feel and those working for the airlines were looked at with some role of honor is missing.  And yes, when I was a little girl and even so now, I loved the outfits.  Sure, mini-skirts and knee boots were probably not the most comfortable to work in, but they looked kind of fun.  If you fly internationally today, you may still see some of this attention to style detail in the uniforms they wear; including my most favorite: the scarf.

Throughout the years, air travel has changed.  I'm sure it's become safer and in some ways more accessible to all, but along the way something was lost. A luster, of sorts.  Maybe in part it's that childlike view of the world that tainted my vision back then, but I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this thought.  Airlines buy out airlines and gas prices soar and safety woes becoming major concerns and before long nothing really looks like it used to.  Too bad. I kind of miss those days where things at least seemed simpler. 

What did you want to be when you "grow up"?


1 comment:

  1. I'm still trying to figure out what I to be when I grow up. But when I was young I wanted to be an Interior Decorator, thank goodness I'm not. Then I wanted to be a Librarian. Still have the desire to work in the Library, but the education it requires is a bit much. So instead I am thinking of volunteering at my local Library. I also wanted to learn to fly, to follow in my Dad's footsteps. Also want to go back to school to study Art History. Maybe someday....
